Here is a link to  ScriptureToGoHomeBy.blogspot.com
This is my blog on Bible topics, arranged alphabetically.  Topics include baptism, divorce, gossip, happiness, hypocrites in the church, interpretation,  miracles, pain,  overcoming temptation, whining, wisdom, and much more.  Most of the articles are taken from a church bulletin; they are brief and easy to read.



"The 2-Part Symbol of the Head Covering" is a compact yet comprehensive explanation of the head covering passage (1 Corinthians 11:2-16) which can be read in 15 minutes. It is a lesson by a woman (me) for women (not men). 

Click HERE to read this short booklet.
Click HERE to download free PDF file of booklet which you can print out yourself.  (Four sheets of 8-1/2" x 11" paper, printed front & back and folded in half.)

For more in-depth study, you can watch my series of short videos on You Tube (see below).


video 1: "CAN WE ALL SEE THE BIBLE ALIKE?"   Why don't we?
(6 minutes)

Click HERE to see Video #1 in my 21-video series for WOMEN on the HEAD COVERING 
of 1 Corinthians 11.  Links to Videos 2 through 21 are in the description box on YouTube
below each video (click where it says "more").

You can also find links to the videos under the WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY section 
of this website --- just scroll to the bottom of this page.


For even more in-depth study, click on my website, HeadCoveringWoman.com, to read my 50-page article on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, which I put together FOR WOMEN ONLY.  

I have tried to make it as simple and clear as possible; presenting the reasoning in an organized way, with illustrations. 

Click HERE to see a YouTube video on the Main Point of this passage.


 A pocket box is a small box you can carry with you in your pocket or purse; these 2 pocket boxes contain scriptures to meditate on.  Click HERE to watch my YouTube video about these pocket boxes, with instructions on how to make your own.

Click HERE to download free PDF file for "Instant Comfort" pocket box.

Click HERE to download free one-sided PDF file for "Glory to God" pocket box.

Click HERE to download free two-sided PDF file for "Glory to God" pocket box (to be printed back-to-back).


I have decided to close my Etsy shop ---- I just don't have enough time for everything!  I plan to focus on making videos for my YouTube channel.  

But I am keeping the photos of the charms here, since they make nice graphics (I think) for their related scriptures.  


ABOVE:  LIFE-SIZE (10 weeks after conception)

     GOD IS         GOD CREATED        GOD RULES        GLORY TO GOD

SEEK          TRUST & OBEY          BE BAPTIZED          BE THANKFUL

MALE & FEMALE                       MARRIAGE IS 4 KEEPS                      LIFE


FEAR GOD          LOVE GOD          OBEY GOD          PEACE


Below is a pro-life sticker available for free download by clicking HERE
Print on regular 8-1/2 x 11 paper, cut out stickers, and use glue-stick to adhere to your mail, or print out on self-adhesive sticker paper for more convenience.
IMPORTANT:  PRINT AT 100% to get correct 3/8" size footprints

copyright 2018, Joyce Alice, TheJoyfulEye.com   Please feel free to copy and distribute.  No changes / modifications permitted. Attribution to TheJoyfulEye.com


You can read my 12-page booklet, The Humanity of the Pre-Birth Child in the Bible, by clicking HERE
Free download of 12-page booklet by clicking HERE


FREE DOWNLOAD of pro-life mini-leaflet by clicking HERE


Click HERE to get sample ballots, voting information, candidate evaluations, and more.


Click HERE to look at my page on BREAST CANCER.


B A P T I S M:
Click HERE to read everything the New Testament says about baptism (one 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper printed front & back and folded in half to make a 4-page leaflet). 
Click HERE to download Baptism leaflet.
Links to short, informative articles on baptism:


Click HERE to download Bible Bookmark:
click HERE to see a very short video about this bookmark.


Click HERE to read "A POEM ABOUT CHRISTMAS" by Joyce Alice


GLUE TRAPS -- Why are they so cruel?  What can I do?  Click HERE to see.  


Click here to go to MY ART page, PRINT-IT-YOURSELF section.


Read or download for free my "Write & Say" phonics material by clicking the links below:  (links will take you to Google Docs)
File #1:  click HERE for the Instructions (9 pages) plus Cover.
File #2:  click HERE for Guide Sheets (5 pages) & Spelling Rules (9 pages).
File #3:  click HERE for Letters of the Alphabet (15 pages).
File #4:  click HERE for Letter Teams (20 pages).


Get free pattern download and see sewing instructions for "POLLY DOLLY", my simple rag doll design, by clicking HERE   



Who Stole the Rainbow -- Taking It Back (Part 1 of 2) (HOMOSEXUALITY)    FREE PRINTABLE  YouTube video
The World Calls It Love -- Taking Back the Rainbow (Part 2 of 2) (HOMOSEXUALITY)   FREE PRINTABLE   YouTube video

HEAD COVERING Video Series on 1 Corinthians 11:
          Video #1   Can We All See The Bible Alike?
          Video #2  Yes, IF -- The Heart Of The Matter
          Video #3  The Traditions of 1 Corinthians 11
          Video #5  1 Corinthians 11 - Context and Culture
          Video #6  1 Corinthians 11 -- Which Culture?
          Video #7  Paul's Senior Moment
          Video #8  Anatomy of a Symbol
          Video #9  The 2-Part Symbol of the Head Covering
          Video #10  Because of the Angels
          Video #11 Dishonor to Man
          Video #12 Foot Washing and the Head Covering
          Video #13 Not the Hair
          Video #14 Shorn Shaved Shamed           
          Video #15 3 Glories, 2 Coverings
           Video #16  Anti -- for or instead?
           Video #17  Nature Teaches Us
           Video #18  Human Nature in 1 Corinthians 11
            Video #19 Praying Or Prophesying
            Video #20 Some Practical Questions
            Video #21 Hidden Treasure

THE 2-PART SYMBOL OF THE HEAD COVERING booklet  FREE PRINTABLE  (4 sheets of 8-1/2                                                                                        x 11 paper printed front and back, folded in half)

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